Improve Medium’s Navigation

Felix Boehme
1 min readOct 11, 2014

Dear Medium Team,

I love your site. I spend a large portion of my reading time on here nowadays. I just have one simple suggestion to improve the navigation:

Add a link to the front page at the bottom of the article

More often than not, I find myself having to scroll up to reveal the logo in the top corner and then having to click twice (once to bring up the menu bar, once to go ‘Home’). On Android this is even worse, as you have to scroll all the way back to the top of the page to find the logo. When the article was a particularly long one, I often give up half-way and just get back to being productive — god forbid.

Rather than just having a link to the next article on the reading list at the bottom of the page, it would be seriously convenient to have a link back to the front page in that general area so, if that next article isn’t what I want, it doesn’t completely break the flow.

Seriously, how cool is Medium, though?




Felix Boehme

Entrepreneur, Developer, Nature Enthusiast, Climate Activist